Transportation - A 17, 358, 718, 1036
Doyle, replaced - A 718
Hulsey, replaced - A 358
Transportation Projects Commission - A 273, 1036
Uniform State Laws, Commission on - A 254, 255
U.W. Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities, Special Task Force on
 - A 703, 704
Urban and Local Affairs - A 17, 209
Hintz, replaced - A 209
Veterans and Military Affairs - A 17
Ways and Means - A 18, 521, 718
Huebsch, resigned - A 20
Toles, replaced - A 718
Zamarripa, replaced - A 521
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority - A 266
Wisconsin Mississippi River Parkway Commission - A 1011
committees _ appointment to _ senate Committees — Appointment to — Senate
Administrative Rules, Joint Committee for Review of - S 10, 880, 885, 895
Leibham, replaced - S 895
Agriculture, Elections, and UW System - S 880
Agriculture, Forestry, and Higher Education - S 10, 12, 428, 452, 817
Harsdorf, removed - S 817
Holperin, removed - S 452
Kapanke, resigned - S 421
Vinehout, removed - S 452
Audit Committee, Joint Legislative - S 10, 880, 886
Building Commission - S 884
Building Inspector Review Board - S 96
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board - S 276
Children and Families, Disability Rights and Housing Sustainability - S 880
Criminal Penalties, Joint Review Committee on - S 11
Economic Development, Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Biotechnology - S 880
Economic Development, Veterans and Military Affairs
 - S 10, 12, 429, 452, 817
Cullen, removed - S 452
Fitzgerald, removed - S 817
Galloway, resigned - S 814
Hopper, resigned - S 421
Economic Policy Board - S 97
Hopper, resigned - S 421
Education - S 10, 12, 452
Jauch, removed - S 452
Education and Corrections - S 880, 888
Education Commission of the States - S 96
Educational Communications Board - S 96
Educational Opportunities for Military Children, State Council on the Interstate Compact on - S 97
Employment Relations, Joint Committee on - S 11
Energy, Biotechnology, and Consumer Protection - S 10, 12, 429, 817
Hopper, resigned - S 421
Kapanke, resigned - S 421
Kedzie, removed - S 817
Environment, Natural Resources and Tourism - S 880
Environmental Education Board - S 96
Finance, Joint Committee on - S 11, 429, 822, 880, 883
Grothman, removed - S 822
Hopper, resigned - S 421
Zipperer, removed - S 822
Financial Aid Consolidation and Modernization, Commission on - S 846
Financial Institutions and Rural Issues - S 10, 12, 429, 817
Schultz, removed - S 817
Kapanke, resigned - S 421
Health - S 10, 12, 479, 627, 817
Fitzgerald, removed - S 817
Galloway, replaced - S 479, 627
Galloway, resigned - S 814
Health, Revenue, Tax Fairness and Insurance - S 880, 884
Highway Safety, Council on - S 97
Information Policy and Technology, Joint Committee on - S 11, 880
Information Technology Management Board - S 97, 240
Insurance and Housing - S 10, 12, 817
Olsen, removed - S 817
Job Creation, Energy and Utilities, and Rural Affairs - S 880
Job Training, Technical Colleges and Workforce Development - S 880
Joint Legislative Council - S 11, 240, 880, 894
Galloway, resigned - S 814
Kedzie, removed - S 892
Lasee, removed - S 892
Judiciary and Government Operations - S 880
Judiciary, Utilities, Commerce, and Government Operations - S 10, 12, 817
Fitzgerald, removed - S 817
Galloway, resigned - S 814
Labor, Consumer Buying Power and Consumer Protection - S 880
Labor, Public Safety, and Urban Affairs - S 10, 12, 452, 817
Coggs, removed - S 452
Lazich, removed - S 817
Law Revison Committee - S 476
Legislative Organization, Joint Committee on - S 11
Midwestern Higher Education Commission - S 99
Migrant Labor, Council on - S 96
Kapanke, resigned - S 421
Military and State Relations, Council on - S 96, 452